Royal Carriege

Friday 26 September 2014

Happy Ever After

Hi everyone thank you so much for reading my blog I would post 1 page every single day just remember Im still at school and I might have some projects,home works and some other stuffs.So thank you so much for being patient I have a lot more adventures coming so dont worry.I made a little art.Good Luck On the exam.I cant' go to school because im sick I have Chickenpox.Thanks Again Guys good bye.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

A Trip To The Taiping zoo and Night Safari

                                 The Zoo

    When I was on a holiday with my Family and Cousin's We went to the Night Safari in Taiping.It was also a Perfect place for us to know what kinds of animals that sleeps or do activities in the night.When My Cousin's Brother Went to Buy The Tickets,me and my cousin Nafisa take a look around.When Nafisa's Brother Called Us we went straight to the line to get in the train.There was a lot of peoples.We got on the train and we Saw lots Of animals.We Saw Owls,Black Panthers,Snakes And A lot more animals.But when The train stop the tour we decided to take a look around places that we never saw.We saw bats flying over the cage.Then We take a look at the tigers.One of the tigers wanted to escape the zoo.It seems Like it was very angry.Good thing The Tiger din't Break Out.We were ready to go back home but....It seems like we were lost so we had to take the train again.Then we took a snack break.Finally,we Got back Home.I had fun at the Safari and Yes,We all did enjoy the trip.Thank You So much For reading.


<3 Rosely Nomicon                                                                                     Saturday
(owner Of My Diary)

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Butterfly Farm In Penang

_____________________SCHOOL  TRIP____________________

TUESDAY                                                                                                             16/9/2014

      Today I Went To a Butterfly Farm.I Went there with my family.At the butterfly Farm I saw a Common Butterfly,Pansy Butterfly and an indian Butterfly.We also Took Some picture's.After That We went to see the lizards.Then We went to watch a Movie.After we watch the movie,we decided to look Inside a butterfly.After that we looked at the spiders.After that we bought  some food and water.After that we bought some jewelery to remember this day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Thank's For Reading <3      Rosely