Royal Carriege

Monday 21 July 2014

Happy Adilfitri

Selamat hari raya adilfitri semua.Berlalaulah sudah ramadan sebulan berpuasa....dilajalan kita rayakan

Friday 11 July 2014

Ostrich Pillow

Ostrich pillow@ is a handmade pillows from the spanish.This latest design in working order as pillows,mattresses and clothing.Users only need
to put it and sleep as usual.It is suitable as a
companion during long journeys.There are special
designs for adults and children!

Wednesday 9 July 2014

The Pet Who Killed The Owner 2

This is Slimel.She works at papas

Pastaria.She had a pet Rabbit.She call him Asof.Asof was a smart rabbit he always dream to be a awsome saintis.One day

Monday 7 July 2014

The Hate Of The Sisters

Chapter 1 Our Loving  Mother

Once upon a time there was two sisters who lived far far a way from their loving mother.The two sisters loved their mother..Until one kill.They were Shivering.They were lucky That they were not the victim.When the one sisters Aged to 16,there Mother left them.Alone in the house.From that day on they hate each other because they want to know who mother loved.One day the elder Lucia spoke to her younger sister Lily She spoke "My dear sister how long has it been since mother left us?' Said Lucia."it has been 5 years since mother left us dear sister,but who would hurt our mother and cry for the kids she love?' Said Lily.

Chapter 2 The Hidden Wyvern

"Our house are full of secrets sister,maybe we could find an animal that could take us to mom"said lily
"Let's Go to the stroge'said Lucia."Sister!Sister!There's A.....A......."A Wyvern

Saturday 5 July 2014


korang tau tak tarikh deadline dunia ialah 21 hari bulan 12 kot.